
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Indian Desert (class-4:ch-3:sst)

1.What is desert ? Ans:- A desert is an area of land almost waterless and treeless. 2. Where does the western Desert lie ? Ans:- The western Desert lies to the west of the Aravali Range , north of the Arabian Sea and south of Punjab . 3. Name the hills which divide Rajasthan into two parts. Ans:- The Aravali Hills divide Rajasthan into two parts. 4. What kind of soil do we find in the Western Desert ? Ans:- We find sandy soil in the Western Desert. 5. How does the sandy soil influence the climate of a place ? Ans :- The sandy soil influences the climate of a place due to the presence of that place become so hot in summer and very cold in winter. 6. What is an Oasis ? Ans:-The place of a desert where the underground water comes out to the surface . It does not dry up. Such a place is called an ‘oasis’. 7. Describe the vegetation of the western Desert into two sentences. Ans:- i)Due to lake of rain We find very few plants in the Western Desert.           ii) Some tho

The Northern plains(ch-2:class-4:SST)

1.Name the three big rivers of the northern fertile plains . Ans:- The three big rivers of the northern fertile plains are :- The Sutlej , the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. 2. Why is the northern plain fertile? Ans:-The rivers flow down the Himalayas .They bring rich soil with them. They spread this fine soil on the northern plains and make them fertile.The fine soil  deposited by the river is called alluvium. Since the plains are fertile. 3. What is delta ? Ans:- A region having such islands and streams around them is called a delta. 4. why is the northern plain known as ‘the food bowl of India’ ? Ans:- The fine soil deposited by the river is called alluvium. Since the northern plains are the most fertile plains and thus more grains are produced here. They are known as the food bowl of India. 5. What is the extent of the area of northern plains of India ? Ans:- The extent of northern plains of India is in Punjab in the north and Assam in the east. 7. What do you know abou

The northern mountain wall ( class-4: ch-1 )

1.Where are the Himalaya located ? Ans:- Himalayas are located in the northern boundary of our country. 2. What is the extent of the ranges of Himalayas ? Ans:- The extent of the ranges of the Himalayas for about 2500 kilometers from Kashmir in the west to arunachal Pradesh in the east . 3. Name the major Himalayan rivers . Ans:- The major Himalayan rivers are Ganga , Yamuna and gandak. 4. Name the three  main ranges of the Himalayas . Ans:- The three main ranges of the Himalayas are the siwalik Range , the Lesser Himalayas and the Greater Himalayas. 5. why do the rivers rising from the Himalayas have water all the year round ? Ans:- The Himalayas are the home of snow and ice. Snow melts and water flows down into the rivers. So the rivers rising from the Himalayas have water all the year round. 6. What is a glacier ? Ans:- Ice moves down slowly into the valleys and forms glaciers. 7. How are the Himalayas useful for us ? ( Give three uses ) Ans:- i) The Himalayas as

The lost doll ( class -4 : ch - 7 )

1. How did the doll look ? Ans:- The doll looked very beautiful. 2. Where did the child lose her doll ? Ans :- The child lost her doll in the heath. 3. After how many days did she find it again ? Ans:-After one week she found it again.  4. How did the doll look after it was found ? Ans:- After it was found the doll looked her ugly. 5. How did the doll lose it's shape and beauty ? Ans:- The doll lost his shape and beauty trodden off by the cows. 6. Did the child still love her doll ? Ans:- Yes , the child still loved her doll.

Beauty and the Best ( class 4 : ch-6 )

1. How many daughters did the rich man have ? Ans:- The rich man had three daughters. 2. What did the father buy for his eldest daughter  ? Ans :- The father bought a pearl necklace for his eldest daughter. 3. Where did the rich man pass the Stormy night? Ans:- The rich man passed the Stormy night in a grand house. 4. Why was the Beast angry with the rich man ? Ans:- The Beast was angry with the rich man because the rich man plucked one rose from his garden. 5. What did beauty do when she saw her father coming ? Ans:- When Beauty saw her father coming she came out running and kiss her father. 6. How did beauty feel when she saw the Beast ? Ans:- When Beauty saw the Beast she felt like running away. 7. Did the Beast treat Beauty kindly ?  Ans:- Yes, the Beast treated Beauty kindly. 8. What happened when Beauty kissed the Beast ? Ans:- When Beauty kissed the Beast his ugly head had changed into a charming face. He looked tall and handsome like a prince.

The childhood of Gandhi ( class-4 : ch-5 )

1. When was Mohandas Gandhi born  ? Ans:- Mohandas Gandhi was born in 2nd October 1869. 2. Who was Putlibai ? Who was Moniya ? Ans:- Putlibai was mother of Mohandas Gandhi. Moniya was Mohandas Gandhi . 3. Did Moniya think that Uka was untouchable ? Ans:- No , Moniya did not think that Uka was untouchable. 4. How did Gandhi feel about his act of stealing ? Ans :- Gandhi felt deep pain in his heart about his act of stealing. 5. What lesson did Moniya learn from the play about Harishchandra ? Ans :- Moniya learnt 'truth' from the play about Harishchandra.

The bear cub and the fox (class-4 : ch-4 )

1. What kind of clothes and shoes do the Lapps wear? Ans:- The Lapps wear clothes made of Bear silk and shoes are made of seal skin. 2. Why did the boy make a hole in the ice ? Ans :- The boy made a hole in the ice to caught the fish. 3. Did the fox want to steal fish from the Sledge ? Ans:- Yes, the fox wanted to steal fish from the sledge. 4. Where did the Fox go after stealing the fish? Ans:- The fox went behind a hill near by after stealing the fish. 5. Did the fox fool the bear - cub ? Ans:- Yes, the fox fooled the bear cub. 6.  What did the Cub do to keep his body warm ? Ans:- The cub slapped himself with his front paws to keep his body warm. 7. How did the bear- cub break his tail ?  Ans:- At night fell , it became colder still, and the hole froze and the bear cubb tail was broke.

Kindness to animals

1.What should little children give to the gentle robin ? Ans:- Little children should give their crumbs at home to save the gentle robin. 2. How will the gentle robin repay them ? Ans :- The gentle robin will repay them by its sweet song. 3. Who is never tired of singing ? Ans:- The little lark is never tired of singing. 4. What is the hare doing ? Ans:- The hare is peeping in the green grassy lair.

The story of Lucky

1. What were the three boys doing near the market –place ? Ans:- The three boys teasing a poor puppy near the market place. 2. Who rescued the little puppy from the boys ? Ans:- Jack and Mary rescued the little puppy from the boys. 3. One of the boys tried to push jack over. What did jack do then ? Ans:- One of the boys tried to push Jack over. Then jack looked at him fiercely, he ran away. 4. Did mother allow Jack and Mary to keep the puppy ? Ans :- Yes , Mother allowed Jack and Mary to keep the puppy. 5. Who gave the puppy the name of Lucky ? Ans :- Mother gave the puppy the name of Lucky. 6. What did Jack do when Mary fell into the lake ? Ans:- Jack suddenly called the Lucky.

The art of whitewashing

1. How did Tom feel when Aunt Polly asked him to whitewash the fence ? Ans:- All joy disappeared of the Tom when Aunt asked him to white wash the fence. 2. Why did Ben want to make fun of Tom ? Ans:- Ben wanted to make fun of Tom because Tom was working on holiday. 3. Why did Ben want to do the whitewashing ? Ans:- Ben wanted to do the whitewashing because he was getting more and more interested and wanted to enjoy. 4. What did Tom do while Ben was whitewashing the fence ? Ans:- While Ben was washing the fence. Tom sat down happily on a barrel and ate the Bens apple. 5. Did Tom let the other boys whitewash the fence ? Ans:- Yes, Tom let the other boys whitewash the fence. 6.  What playthings did Tom get from the other boys ? Ans:- Tom got twelve marbles , a tin soldier , a toy-dog’s collar , the handle of an old knife and a big old key from other boys. 7. What was it that surprised Aunt Polly ?  Ans:- By mid - afternoon , Tom had finished his whitewash with three co

My mother

1.What  does the mother do while the child is sleeping in its cradle ? Ans:- While the child is sleeping in its cradle , the mother sheds tears of affection by watching its infant head. 2. How does the mother feel when the child becomes sick ? Ans:- When the child becomes sick , the mother gazes upon its heavy eye and weeps for the fear of losing her child. 3. What does the mother do when the child falls and gets hurt ? Ans:- When the child falls and gets hurt , the mother runs to help it and either tells a story or kisses the place that got hurts to make it well. 4. How would the poetess repay her mother’s love and care ? Ans:- The poetess hopes to reward her mother care . she says that when her mother would become old and weak she would take care of her in the best possible way and remove all her pains away. 5. What lesson do you learn from this poem ? Ans:- The poem teaches us that we will ever remain indebted for our mother’s love and care.

The divided horsecloth

1.Why did merchant have to leave his town ? Ans:- The merchant had to leave his town because some powerful men of the town became his enemies. 2. What was it that made him popular with his neighbours ? Ans :- The merchant’s honesty and gentle manners made him very popular with his neighbour. 3. Why did the merchant give up his wealthy for his son ? Ans:- The merchant gave up his wealth for his son because the father of the would be daughter in law wanted all the wealth to be transferred in the sons name for the marriage to the place. 4. Why had the merchant to repent later ? Ans:- After the marriage of his son , the merchant lived a happy and peaceful life for two years. Thereafter he had to face insults and chidings almost everyday  . As such he started repenting for having given away all his wealth. 5. What kind of woman was the merchant’s daughter – in – law ? Ans:- The merchant’s daughter in law was a horrible woman who used to find fault with every thing . The merch

The real princess

Word Meaning Down cast –down hearted Tempest – storm /a violent wind Thunder- a deep pro longed loud noised Torrents-A heavy rain Clung-Hold on tightly Trickled – flowing on drops Scarcely – just/ hardly Delicate – soft / subtle Convinced – very sure / confident Mattress- A large thick pad filled with sponge or cotton Coverlets – A decorative bed Museum- A place where objects of historical importance are displayed Preserved- save Answer the Questions. 1.What made the prince sad ? Ans:- The prince was sad because he could not find a real princess he wanted to marry ever after travelling through out the world. 2. What did the king see when he opened the door ? Ans :- When the king opened the door , he saw a young girl standing there and trembling in bad state. 3. How did the young girl look ?  Ans :- The young was in a very bad state . Water trickled from her hair and the clothes had clung to her body . She was completely wet with rain and also not very beautiful


1. Kite -ଗୁଡି Ground - ଭୂମି Up in the air- ବାୟୁରେ Caper- ଡେଇ୰ଵା Back on the ground- ମାଟିକୁ ଫେରିବା Paper - କାଗଜ Sing - ଗାଇବା String - ସୂ଼ତା Just - ଟିକେ /କେବଳ Dance - ନାଚିବ 2.a) A kite on the ground is just paper and string.    b) A kite up in the air will dance ,sing and caper.    c) The poet speaks of two situation of a kite.    d) The kite is very active up in the air.    e) The kite is only paper and string on the ground. 3. A kite on the ground- just paper and string      A kite in the air -will dance and caper    But up in the air - will dance and sing   But back on the ground - just string and paper 1.What is the kite made of ? Ans- The kite is made up of paper and string. 2.   What do children do with kites? Ans- Children fly kites with joy. 3.   The poet speaks of how many situations of a kite? Ans- The poet speaks two situations of a kite. 4.What is the first situations of a kite ? Ans- The first situations of a kite is on the ground. 5.   What

Animal fibra and fabric

1. How can you identify a natural and synthetic fiber  ?  Ans-   fibers that obtained from natural sources is called natural fiber. Fibers that       made from synthetic chemical is known as synthetic fiber. 2. What is scourcing  ? Ans - scouring is defined as washing of wool in warm water or using allcali and detergent. 3. What are the various sources of vegetable fiber ? Ans-  the various sources of vegetable fiber are :- i) Seed fiber ii) leaf fiberi iii)Skin and bast fiber iv)Fruit fiber v)Stalk fiber 4. Name three types of animal fibers ? Ans- The three types of animal fiber are :- Animal hair Silk fiber Avian fiber 5.  Name the different categories of mineral fiber ? Ans – The different categories of mineral fiber are :- Asbestos Ceramic fibers Metal fibers 6.What is bioclip ? Ans- Bioclip is technology of injecting special wool realsing biological protein in sheep and pilling their fleece is called bioclip. 7.Name the major wool producing