The northern mountain wall ( class-4: ch-1 )

1.Where are the Himalaya located ?
Ans:- Himalayas are located in the northern boundary of our country.

2. What is the extent of the ranges of Himalayas ?
Ans:- The extent of the ranges of the Himalayas for about 2500 kilometers from Kashmir in the west to arunachal Pradesh in the east .

3. Name the major Himalayan rivers .
Ans:- The major Himalayan rivers are Ganga , Yamuna and gandak.

4. Name the three  main ranges of the Himalayas .
Ans:- The three main ranges of the Himalayas are the siwalik Range , the Lesser Himalayas and the Greater Himalayas.

5. why do the rivers rising from the Himalayas have water all the year round ?
Ans:- The Himalayas are the home of snow and ice. Snow melts and water flows down into the rivers. So the rivers rising from the Himalayas have water all the year round.

6. What is a glacier ?
Ans:- Ice moves down slowly into the valleys and forms glaciers.

7. How are the Himalayas useful for us ? ( Give three uses )
Ans:- i) The Himalayas as a protective wall.
         ii) The Himalayas stand as a check to the cold winds coming from Siberia.
        iii) The Himalayas check rain-bearing clouds coming from the seas.

8. Name any three hill stations in the lesser Himalayan Ranges .
Ans:- The three hill stations in the lesser Himalayan ranges are :- Nainital , Shimla , Darjeeling .

9. Name any four peaks of the Himalayas .
Ans:- Four peaks of the Himalayas are :- Kanchenjunga , Annapurna , Dhaulagiri and Nanda Devi.

10. What is a mountain pass ?
Ans:- A mountain pass is a passage through which people go from one range to another or to a vally.

11. How do the Himalayas influence our climate ?
Ans:- The Himalayas check cold wind coming from Siberia attracted rainfall , which have coming from the sea . In this way they influence our climate.

12. What is the difference between the height of the Himalayas and that of their eastern offshoots ?
Ans:- The difference between the height of the Himalayas and that of their eastern offshoots is these hills are hot very high but they are covered with green forest.

13. How do the Himalayas protect us ?
Ans:- The Himalayas protect us like as a protective wall who check the enemy from crossing over to India.

14. How are the Himalayas useful for irrigation ?
Ans:- In the Himalayas these rivers have water all the year round. So they irrigate the fertile northern plains all seasons.

15. What difference would it make if the Himalayas were extended from Kashmir to Kanyakumari ?
Ans:- If the Himalayas ever extended from Kashmir to Kanyakumari all areas would be hilly areas.


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