Animal fibra and fabric

1. How can you identify a natural and synthetic fiber  ?
 Ans-   fibers that obtained from natural sources is called natural fiber. Fibers that       made from synthetic chemical is known as synthetic fiber.

2. What is scourcing  ?
Ans - scouring is defined as washing of wool in warm water or using allcali and detergent.

3. What are the various sources of vegetable fiber ?
Ans-  the various sources of vegetable fiber are :-
i) Seed fiber
ii) leaf fiberi
iii)Skin and bast fiber
iv)Fruit fiber
v)Stalk fiber

4. Name three types of animal fibers ?
Ans- The three types of animal fiber are :-

  • Animal hair
  • Silk fiber
  • Avian fiber

5.  Name the different categories of mineral fiber ?
Ans – The different categories of mineral fiber are :-

  • Asbestos
  • Ceramic fibers
  • Metal fibers

6.What is bioclip ?
Ans- Bioclip is technology of injecting special wool realsing biological protein in sheep and pilling their fleece is called bioclip.

7.Name the major wool producing countries ?
Ans – The major wool producing countries are :- Australia , China

8. What is grease wool ?
Ans- Wool straight of a sheep contains a high level of grease which contain valuable lanolion , as well as diat ,dead skin , sweat residue and vegetable matter. This state is known as grease wool.

9.What do you understand by term shearing ?
Ans-  The removal of hair from sheep is called shearing. It is done when sufficient amount of wool grown on their body.

10. What are the critical factors that effect cocoon for mation ?
Ans- The cocoons are collected and to get silk thread ,the forcemost step is to kill the insect the cocoon. Thus ,the cocoons are first boilod in hot water or treated in oversor fumigated to kill the larval inside. If the larval breave the cocoob , thereby reducing the length of the only naturallty occurring filament fiber.

 11.How is wool helpful in keeping our body warm ?
Ans- Wool helps in keeping our body warm because of the crimp ,wool fabrics have a greater bulk than other textiles and certain air , which causes the product to retain heat.

12.The climate of a place determines the type of clothes we wear. Elaborate the statement.
Ans- The climate of a place determines the type of clothes we wear in summer and hot areas we wear cotton cloth in winter and cold area we wear woolen cloth.

13.List some important characteristic of wool and silk ?
Ans-Some characteristics of wool are:-

  • It is hard wearing and absorbs moisture.
  • Wool is made up of the protein ‘keratin ‘.
  • Chlorine based bleaches can damage wool.
  • Undiluted liquid hypo chloride  bleach will dissolve wool.
  • It is versatile, i.e., it has many uses and is light in  weight.
Some characteristics of silk are:-

  • Silk is a protein fiber.
  • It absorbs moistures.
  • It is versatile and comfortable to wear.
  • it retains its shape longer.
  • It is the strongest natural fiber.

14. List some uses of wool.
Ans-The uses of wool are:-

  • Wool is used for clothing ,carpeting, felt, insulation and hammers.
  • Wool felt is used to cover piano hammers.
  • It is used to absorb odours and noise in heavy machinery and stereo speakers.
  • It is used to cover cloth diapers.
  • Wool felted and treated with lanolin is water –resistant air permeable and slightly antibacterial , so it resists the formation of odour.

15.How are the fibers classified ? Briefly write about their sources and further categories.
Ans- fibers are classified into two types. They are :-

  • Natural fibers
  • Man made fibers

Natural fibers include those made out of plants , animals and mineral sources . These are classified on the basis of their origin into vegetable fibers and mineral fibers.

Vegetable fibers generally contains cellulose like cotton, linen, jute , kenal , ramie , sisal and hemp . cellulose fibers are used in the manufacture of paper and cloth.

16. What is wool ? how is it produced ?
Ans- wool is a animal fiber. Wool is a fiber derived from the far of animals of the caprinae family,principally sheep. Shearing is done manually with a large raror and with a shearing machine then the wool is cleaned to wash off the grease than scouring is done by bathing in warm water or using a alkali and detergent this way wool is produced.

17. What are the factors on which the quality of wool depends ?
Ans- The factors on which the quality of wool depends are:-
  • Fibre fineness 
  • Length
  • Scale structure
  • Colour
  • Cleanliness
  • Freedom from damage.


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