Our forests and wildlife (class - iv sst)

1. What are forests ?
Ans – when trees grow very close to one another and over a large area , they are called forests.
2. What do forests give us ?
Ans – Forests give us timber , fuel wood , resin , honey , pulp , lac , gum , cane , grasses and even herbs with medicinal properties.
3. Why is timber important ?
Ans – Timber is chiefly used for building houses , making agricultural implements , furniture and tools. So timber is important.
4. Write down some important uses of forests.
Ans – i)  Forests cause rainfall.
           ii)  Forests help in checking soil erosion and reduce damage caused by the winds.
           iii)  In the hills , the forests help in conserving the soil.
5. How many kinds of forests are there in India ?
Ans – There are five kinds of forests in India.
6. What do you know about Evergreen forests ?
Ans – In the hot and rainy parts especially in the hilly areas , we find evergreen forests. They remain green all the year round . Tbat is why they are known as evergreen forests.
7. Why should we plant new trees in a big way ?
Ans – We should plant new trees in a big way because that will help to preserve our forest wealth and make our country rich in many ways.
8. Why do we celebrate Vanamahotsav ?
Ans –Vanamahotsav is celebrated every year in our country to encourages people to plant trees in villages and towns , along roads , railway lines , canels etc.

Fill in the blanks.

  1. Forests provide sheuter to wild animals.
  2. Evergreen forests are found along with western Ghats.
  3. Common trees in coniferous forests are chir and deodar.
  4. India has hardly one fourth of its area under forests.
  5. Gir forests in Gujarat are famous for lion. 


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