
Showing posts from August, 2019

Sanitation and diseases (ch-6 science)

1. Give only two ways of disposing dirty waste water. Ans - In cities pipes are used for carrying away the waste water. Sewage pipes are laid underground for this purpose. 2. How do the germs enter our body ? Ans- Mostly through food and drink for example bread on garbage which has germs. The germs stick to their legs. When they sit on exposed food articles ,they carry the germs to the food. 3. Give three methods to check breeding of mosquitoes. Ans- keep the drains clean.          All water tanks should be covered. Keep the cooler dry when not in use. 4. What is dehydration? Ans- Loss of excess of water and salts from the body causes dehydration. 5. What do you understand by ORS ? Ans- ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) should be given to a patient suffering from diarrhoea. 6. Give two preventive measures against diarrhoea. Ans- Keep food properly covered. Use boiled water for drinking. 7. How is compost formed ? Ans- All the waste an...

Water resources

Why is water essential for maintaining life? Ans-We use water for drinking , bathing , washing , and cooking. With out water we can not think of our daily life. So water is essential for maintaining life. 2. What are the sources of water in villages and cities ? Ans- The people in village get water from wells , ponds and rivers and people in cities are dependent upon municipal taps. There are tube well that supply water at some places. 3. How is  water polluted in village ponds ? Ans- In village some people bathe in ponds . They also wash their clothes there. Even the animals bathe in some ponds. In this way the water is polluted in village ponds. 4.  Howcan we conserve water ? Ans- we can conserve to water to use it wisely . We must always check that the taps water is not being .we should not pollute the water. 5. Why do we need water for irrigation ? Ans- water is essential for growth of crops . We water the plants to enable them to grow. So we need for irrigat...

Our soils (class iv sst)

1. What is soil ? How is it formed ? Ans- Small particles of rocks are called soil.( It forms the top soft layer of the earth’s surface). It is formed by the weathering processes over millions of years. 2. Name different types of soil . Ans – soils are 4 types. Such as Alluvial soil Desert soil Black soil Red soil 3. Which part of our country is made of alluvial soil ? Ans – Northern India plain part of our country is made of Alluvial soil. 4. Write down any two features of desert soil. Ans – i)  The particles of such soil are rough , thick and separated from one another.            ii)  It becomes useful for growing crops like wheat , gram , cotton , dates , etc. 5. We find many orchards of fruit trees in Himachal Pradesh . Why ? Ans – In hilly areas , the soil is hard and coarse. It contains gravel and pieces of stones . We grow fruit trees in such types of soil. That is why we find many orchards in the hill areas of Himachal Prad...

Our forests and wildlife (class - iv sst)

1. What are forests ? Ans – when trees grow very close to one another and over a large area , they are called forests. 2. What do forests give us ? Ans – Forests give us timber , fuel wood , resin , honey , pulp , lac , gum , cane , grasses and even herbs with medicinal properties. 3. Why is timber important ? Ans – Timber is chiefly used for building houses , making agricultural implements , furniture and tools. So timber is important. 4. Write down some important uses of forests. Ans – i)  Forests cause rainfall.            ii)  Forests help in checking soil erosion and reduce damage caused by the winds.            iii)  In the hills , the forests help in conserving the soil. 5. How many kinds of forests are there in India ? Ans – There are five kinds of forests in India. 6. What do you know about Evergreen forests ? Ans – In the hot and rainy parts especially in the hilly areas , we find evergree...

Coastal plains and Islands (class - iv)

Name the two coastal plains of India. Ans-The Western coastal plain and the Eastern coastal plains are the two coastal plains of India. 2.   Into which three parts is the Eastern coastal plain divided ? Ans-The Western coastal plains are divided into three parts.  The Gujurat coast The konkan coast The Malabar coast 3.  What is the importance of the Gulf of Khambat ? Ans- we find several minerals oil Wells in the  Gulf of khambat. The oil from here is sent to the koyali oil Refinery.This is the importance of Gulf of Khambat. 4.  What is Bombay High ? Ans- Mumbai coast are the famous oilfields known as Bommbay High. 5. How are lagoons formed ? Ans -Sandbars are formed by sea waves  , that brings sand with them and deposit it along the coast. These sandbars,in turn,form lagoons.

Climate and soil (class --vi)

1. why does it become cooler as we move away from the equator? Ans- It becomes cooler as we move away from the equator because:- * Sun rays are slanting which spread over a large land area than vertical Ray's . * These pass through a thick layer of the atmosphere which absorbs a large part of their heat. 2.  What is the role of water in soil formation ?  Ans :- Rain water enters the crevices of rocks. In winter ,this water freezes and expands. This causes the rocks to crack and form smaller rocks which further breakdown to form even smaller pieces. Finally ,they get converted into very fine particles and mix with humus to form soil.  3 . How do trees help in making and conserving the soil ? Ans- Roots of trees can penetrate to great depth for absorption of water and minerals. They push their way across the rocks in the Earth's crust and exert lot of pressure on the rocks. Thus, cracks are formed in the rocks and cause weathering.Also , Roots helps in conserving...

10th class science


ପଞ୍ଚତତ୍ତ୍ବ କହିଲେ କଣ ବୁଝ ?

 ପ୍ରାଚୀନ ଭାରତୀୟ ଦାର୍ଶନିକ ମାନଙ୍କ ମତରେ ସମସ୍ତ ବସ୍ତୁ ପାଞ୍ଚ ଗୋଟି ମୌଳିକକୁ ନେଇ ଗଠିତ। ଏହାକୁ ପଞ୍ଚତତ୍ତ୍ବ କୁହାଯାଏ।

What is nutrition ?

What is nutrition ? The process of utilization of food by an animals to obtain energy for growth and development is known as nutrition.